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🌊💙 Impromptu Solo Beach Clean 💙🌊

On Sunday 18th July, I picked up 5kg of litter on my impromptu beach clean in Great Yarmouth...

I knew after the great weather we'd had that weekend that the tourist areas (i.e. the beach) would need our help! Oh how right I was....

With good weather, schools breaking up for the holidays and stay cations being the choice for most families this year, it's inevitable that litter will follow!

Most of the litter items collected on this beach clean were from families with children, the discarded fruit shoot bottles and beach toys was a giveaway...

I'm finding far too many discarded net bags that beach toys are sold in! Wildlife, mainly seabirds, can get entangled in these and they suffer and worse case die as a consequence!

I counted around 8 net bags from that one beach clean, it's shocking that parents are setting this example for their children by leaving litter on the beach! Very sad...

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