On 23rd October I hosted my first corporate beach clean for Recipharm (Kings Lynn branch) at Old Hunstanton beach!
The team of 30 volunteers (employees, family & friends) collected a total of 55.75kg!
This is the biggest beach clean haul that has been collected out of all the previous beach cleans to date!! It was also my first beach clean at Old Hunstanton and that far North / West of Norfolk...
A corporate beach clean is a great opportunity to get your employees involved in a volunteering activity and a way of giving back to the community. It's great for team building and an opportunity for employee personal development outside of the normal working environment.
#LeaveNothingButFootprints #BeachClean #BeachCleanTeam #SaveOurSeas #ProtectOurOceans #OceanPollutionAwareness #KeepThePlanetClean #KeepBritainTidy #LoveNorfolkHateLitter #ProjectOceanCleanup
