On 25th July, I hosted a beach clean on Great Yarmouth central beach as an end to the weekend.
I was joined by 12 volunteers, 5 of them being young children which was nice to see them getting involved. We collected a total of 31.5kg!
This is the first beach clean where my car hasn't been parked right next to the meeting point and the new ParkerBrand.com trolley I've bought with my company's donation came in very useful carting the gear and rubbish sacks to and from the car!

#InItToBinIt #ProtectWhatYouLove #IfTheOceanDiesWeDie #NorfolkBeachCleans #LeaveNothingButFootprints #BeachClean #SaveTheOcean #ProjectAWARE #PADITorchBearer #CleanOurSeas #OceanMimicCleanUpLeader #BeachCleanUp #BeachCleanTeam #SaveOurSeas #SaveOurOceans #ProtectOurOceans #OceanPollutionAwareness #PlasticFreeSeas #KeepThePlanetClean #TrashFreeSeas #CoastalCleanUp #CleanOurBeaches #CleanBeaches #KeepOurCoastClean #KeepBritainTidy #LoveNorfolkHateLitter #MarineConservationSociety