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🌊💙 Beach Clean - Sea Palling 💙🌊

On Sunday 13th March myself and Shelley (from North Norfolk beach cleans) were joined by 31 other volunteers at Sea Palling!

We collected 16.5kg plus a piece of wire fencing.

The group photo was taken before the majority of the volunteers had arrived. The event only had 7 people signed up so it was a surprise to have more people arrive to help!

For future events just to make sure we have enough equipment for volunteers to borrow please RSVP as 'Going' either on the Facebook event, website or send us a private message if you don't want your attendance to be public on social media.

Whenever I do a beach clean at Sea Palling it's always pretty clean, compared to other beaches.

This was the rescheduled event that was supposed to be on 20th February, however due to storm Eunice we had to cancel for safety reasons. We were informed by the local café owner that a group had turned up for the cancelled beach clean, so I'd like to apologise if that was you?

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