On Sunday 19th December, I hosted a beach clean at Gorleston-on-Sea! The last public beach clean I hosted was 7th November, so it had been a while...
I was joined by 38 volunteers, where we collected a total of 46.75kg Thank you to everyone that joined in, I really appreciate your help with the time and effort you put in.
The weather was a fine drizzle on and off but it didn't stop the hardy bunch of volunteers. Probably the biggest group from a Gorleston beach clean to date!
Speaking to quite a lot of the volunteers it was nice to hear a lot of them are new to Gorleston and wanted to get involved in a community event.
I found a Rowntrees smarties lid with a capital A on it... After looking on Google it dates between 1965 - 1975 which was when these were produced!
All rubbish was consolidated into 5 large bin bags and put next to the GYBC bins along the promenade ready for the council to collect.
I donated a bag hoop to an older gentleman that asked if he could give it to his wife who litter picks regularly at Hopton, as hers had broken, but now she has a working bag hoop to continue litter picking up the road in Hopton!
