On Wednesday 8th June, I was on BBC Radio Norfolk with Chris Goreham...
Talking about World Oceans Day and beach cleans!
The producer of the show contacted me asking if I'd like to chat for 5 minutes about World Oceans Day and importance of our ocean and how beach cleaning can help.
Remember the petition to ban the sale of flying rings still needs your signature: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/613442...
The same time last year I was on BBC Radio Norfolk being interviewed by Anna Perrott on World Oceans Day and promoting a beach clean I had planned that same day!
I often organise beach clean events to coincide with an awareness day that means something to me...
And 'World Oceans Day' is where it all begin with my beach cleaning passion / obsession / journey. Because it is a journey... it's a never ending one but we can keep doing what we do and #MakeADifference to the area we live, to the environment and the local community that benefit from the results!
Here's the interview if you want to have a listen...
#BBC #BBCRadioNorfolk #BeachClean #WorldOceansDay #WorldOceansDay2022 #Protect30x30 #ProtectWhatYouLove #IfTheOceanDiesWeDie #LoveNorfolkHateLitter #OceanPollutionAwareness #NorfolkBeachCleans #LeaveNothingButFootprints #SaveTheOcean #VitaminSea #CleanOurSeas #BeachCleanUp #SaveOurSeas #SaveOurOceans #ProtectOurOceans #PlasticFreeSeas #KeepThePlanetClean #TrashFreeSeas #KeepOurCoastClean #KeepBritainTidy #NorfolkRecycles